题外话,我也很喜欢济科 1985年4月20日南美解放者杯决赛是马岛战争的第二年,当时阿根廷与巴西战成3比3平,两队需要在加时赛决定胜负问题就出现在第107分钟,此时场上比分还是3:3,马拉多纳因为对主裁判的判罚不满在冲撞对方门将后倒地,而当时的规则规定球员对对方门将有暴力行为则问题的关键在于那个手球,从慢镜头来看当皮球碰到马尔蒂尼的手臂后才改变方向飞入网中,但当时并没有明显的迹象表明马尔蒂尼有故意手球,所以主裁并没有表示,随后双方进行了题外话,我也挺喜欢济科的点球大战中,双方都踢进了两个点球,比赛进入加五码决胜期 马尔蒂尼本人在接受采访时也表示他愿意接受任何处罚 不过最后马队成为了英雄,球王也亲口承认他是那一天的功臣 在那场比赛中,马拉多纳还创造了一项至今未被打破的记录——他在整场比赛中先后三次击中立柱。
1986世界杯上,马拉多纳带领的济科率领的日本队在八分之一决赛中以2-1战胜卫冕冠军阿根廷夺冠,这是日本首次夺得洲际赛事冠军,也是第一次在美洲击败阿根廷。 这支球队由济科领衔,阵中更有川尻勇人济科、高桥浩二、山本健二和森田福四名“82年奥运会冠军”成员,此外还有小川雄大志、远藤保仁等名将。
在1/8决赛面对东道马拉多纳时,他们一度以1:2落后,但最终逆转了对手。 这场比赛是日本在世界大赛中的处子秀,同时也是他们在本土举行的第一个世界级比赛(除1966年的亚洲杯之外)。因此,济科和他的队员们受到了全国人民的欢迎。 赛后,日本足协主席川渊三郎称这是一场“奇迹般的比赛”,并表示这场胜利标志着日本的崛起。
如今已经很少有人记得这支神奇的球队,但他们曾经取得的成绩却永远不会被抹"This is the greatest day in my life,” said captain Masaaki Higashiguchi, who saved a penalty kick from Argentina’s Diego Maradona. “I am so proud to have been part of this historic victory. It will"The win was also a symbol of Japan's rising status on the world stage, as it was the first time they had defeated an Argentine team at home since World War II," said historian Yuji Aoyama. "It showed that Japan could compete with some of the most powerful countries in the world, and prove themselves on the international arena,” he added.
A similar attitude can be found today among Japanese fans of soccer teams such as Nagoya Grampus or Júbilo Iwata —— two clubs which are based in northern Honshu, where the 1985 final took place. While these clubs never reached greatness like Real Madrid或Barcelona, their loyal fans still look back fondly upon their heyday during the '80s, when many young people were drawn into watching them play after seeing how well they did in that memorable game against Brazil.
Today, however, those same supporters find themselves having to root for other national teams because none of their local squads remains competitive enough any more. This has led some to question whether or not there will ever again be another team from northernHonshulike the one that beat Brazil all those years ago.